Co-Dependents Anonymous Intergroup | Houston Area ​CoDA
Contact Us - 936-900-3613
What Is A CoDA Meeting?
Attending meetings is necessary for recovery in the CoDA program. A codependent attends meetings for his/her personal recovery, and this attendance benefits everyone, its what creates the group. At meetings, we share our experience, strength, and hope in our program of recovery.
Where Do I Find A Meeting?
We maintain a list of meetings across the United States. Visit our Meeting Resource Center page to find a list of meetings in your area. This page also gives information on who to contact for meetings outside the U.S. Find a meeting here.
What Happens At A CoDA Meeting?
Meeting Opening. CoDA meetings usually start with a moment of silence followed by a prayer of the group’s choice. Following the opening prayer, almost all CoDA meetings read a selection of the foundation documents listed in the Conference guidelines. There is usually a short time allowed for announcements or group conscience.
What Are The Different Types Of Meetings?
Newcomers meetings – These meetings have a special format to allow newcomers to have their questions answered by Old Timers. Special efforts are made at regular meetings to provide for the needs of newcomers.
Speaker or Step meetings – A speaker shares his/her story for 20-30 minutes or shares on a designated topic.
Step Study Meeting – These meetings are designed to work the Steps together as a group of recovering codependents.
Step Four Writing Meetings – These are designed to allow time for individual reflection and writing, followed by an opportunity for each person to share some of what they have written during the session.
Closed Meetings – Meetings attended only by people who are codependent or think they may be codependent. Newcomers who think they may be codependent can attend a closed meeting.
To join a meeting, simply go to the meeting in person. For Online meetings just click to join for the group and time shown on our meetings page to become a part of the next meeting.