Co-Dependents Anonymous Intergroup | Houston Area ​CoDA
Contact Us - 936-900-3613
CoDA Houston has but one purpose, that of serving the fellowship of Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA).
Our Committee’s goals are to carry the CoDA message to those who still suffer from Co-Dependency, and to offer healthy support of the continuing growth of those recovering from Co-Dependency.
The Committee serves in several ways:
In as much as each CoDA Group is autonomous, CoDA Houston has no authority or control over individual meetings or CoDA as a whole, but serves as an inter-group coordinator and mainline of communication between groups in order to help share information, problems and solutions.
CoDA Houston serves as the voice of the CoDA Groups it represents in communication with other CoDA Community Committees and with regional and world CoDA organizations.
CoDA Houston encourages and helps new CoDA Groups with information, suggestions and starter materials.
CoDA Houston may sponsor certain events, retreats, workshops, scholarships, fellowship opportunities, etc.
CoDA Houston may serve as an aid to CoDA Regional or CoDA World Fellowship when so requested.